Here & Now Annual Fund
We achieve more together
The Here & Now Fund is critical to Borlase as it bridges the gap between where Government funding ends and the Borlase experience begins.
Borlase remains one of the most poorly funded schools in the country and parental support ensures that the education we provide surpasses the basic level of educational provision provided by the government. Together, we can continue to thrive and provide an exciting, enriched educational experience for all Borlasians, Here & Now, when it is needed, for your children. We ask all parents to give: no matter how big or small, you can make a difference to your child.
‘Without the generosity of our supporters, Borlase would not be Borlase’
Ed Goodall, Headteacher
Why support us?
By giving, you supplement an incredibly wide range of opportunities for all our students. Regular gifts to the fund allow us to plan. The opportunities listed below would not be available without gifts to the Here & Now Fund:
Learning Support
Students’ academic needs are met by our learning support team. Student support officers, learning mentors and our careers' officer offer additional academic and careers support. The school does not receive additional funding for these roles, and they are supported by Here & Now Fund.
Our Literacy Coordinator provides advice and guidance on wider reading; literacy learning support and organises trips and visits across English and the humanities. This role is supported by the Here & Now Fund.
In sports, we offer a wide range of extracurricular opportunities which require specialist equipment, and Here & Now funding allows us to employ a technician to support the work of the staff and coaches across sports.
Pastoral Care
Dedicated pastoral mentors, school counsellors, and a range of resources to support mental health and well-being are all supplemented by gifts to the Here & Now Fund.
Performing Arts
The incredible standard of our performances is significantly enhanced by specialist lighting and sound equipment and the work of a dedicated arts technician. This role is supplemented by gifts to the Here & Now Fund.
Modern Foreign Languages Assistant Scheme
The Here & Now Fund enables the school to employ native speakers in French, Spanish and German to extend and enrich learning. The fund also supports our technician/administrator to support the new MFL Food curriculum and arrange trips and exchanges.
We run science practicals for all year groups beyond any examination requirement and have specialist laboratories and resources for experiments. We employ laboratory technicians and a STEM Coordinator to enable this to happen. This work is supported by gifts to the Here & Now Fund.
Sixth Form
The Here & Now Fund supports extended project work as well as UCAS applications that we offer to all students.
Thank you once again for supporting us in any way you can. You make a difference.
For all enquiries, please contact Ilona Cains, Director of Development at or on 01628 816519.