Joining the 6th Form in 2024
We would like to wish all of our applicants who have applied to join us in the Sixth Form in September 2024 the very best of luck.
All external applicants will have received a letter setting out the details of what is required on results day. If any applicant has not received this letter they should contact
Please note this inbox will be monitored up to 23 July and it will then be unmonitored until 12 August 2024.
It is very important that all external applicants upload their results by 12 noon on results day.
Applicants Results sent after the 12 noon deadline will only be considered after we have processed results received before the deadline.
If more applicants have achieved their full entry criteria than we have places for, then places will be allocated according to our over-subscription criteria on our Sixth Form admissions policy, only considering applicants that have achieved both the minimum academic entry requirement as well as the individual subject requirements for your pre-selected subjects. We would only consider applicants that have not achieved the entry criteria after all successful applicants have been processed and if we still have places available.
We will aim to send offers as soon as possible and expect the bulk of the offers to be made between 3pm and 5pm on 22 August. If you are not successful, we aim to inform you by 6pm on 22 August. If we are still processing applications at this point, we would let you know by email.
If you do receive an offer of a place you must log in to the admission portal where you will see your offer. You must accept it by 9am on Friday 23 August.
Please note the details above apply to the external applicants only.